All Right Unit 8 - Holidays (Crossword E-D)

Fill in the Crossword!

Complete the crossword by filling in the right translations of the Dutch words at the bottom of the screen. You fill in a word by clicking on the number in the grid and then filling in the right word in the top left corner of your screen. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. When finished, click on "Check" to check your answers.
1         2                    
 11                12            
     13         14          15       
 16     17                       
       18    19                  
    20            21             


1. ongeveer
3. grondig
5. toegestaan
6. medicijn
7. landschap, uitzicht
8. heelal
9. naar, in de richting van
10. roofdier
13. dodelijk
14. mensen
16. reddingsboot
19. kloof
20. verwonding, blessure
21. gloeiworm
22. kabel
23. uitbarsten


2. magnifiek
4. inktvis
7. zoektocht
9. driedelige serie
11. zaklamp
12. kanaal
15. rijtuig
17. twee keer
18. saai